§ 30.04.180. "S" Words and Phrases Defined.
Screening means solid walls, solid fences or dense hedges for the purpose of concealing from view the area behind such structure or hedges. See also "Fence" and "Landscaping."
Service Road or Frontage Road means a street lying adjacent and approximately parallel to and separated from a freeway or highway and which affords access to abutting property.
Service Station means the same as "Automobile Service Station."
Setback Line means a line which defines a front, rear or side yard as required by this Chapter, other than a property line between which line and the property line no building, structure, or portion thereof shall be permitted, erected, constructed, or placed unless specifically permitted by this Chapter.
Sign means any word, letter, placard, board, notice, logo, insignia, flag or banner used to advertise or promote the interest of any person, institution, business or product.
Single Dwelling Unit means a dwelling unit located on an individual lot. This term does not include an Accessory Dwelling Unit or Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit.
Story means that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above it. If any part of any level of a building is considered a story, that entire level shall be considered a story. If there is no floor above, then the space between such floor and the highest point of the finished ceiling next above it shall be considered a story. A story shall include:
A basement, if at any point the finished floor above is higher than three feet above the lowest point of the natural or finished adjacent grade, whichever is lower.
An attic with a vertical dimension of five feet six inches or more between the floor and the level of the finished roof immediately above.
Any space with a vertical dimension of five feet six inches or more between the floor and the finished floor above or, where there is no floor above, the level of the finished roof immediately above; and
A mezzanine when such mezzanine exceeds one-third of the total floor area of the larger space in which it is located.
Story, Two or More. A two or more story structure is one in which a story or portion thereof is directly above another lower story.
Street means a thoroughfare dedicated, condemned, and accepted for public use and/or which affords primary means of vehicular access to abutting property, including boulevard, avenue, place, drive, court, lane, or other thoroughfare dedicated to such public travel. "Street" shall not include an alley or walk as defined herein, except where lots have been recorded which abut only on an alley or walk, said alley or walk shall be considered to be a street.
Street Frontage means the distance measured along a property line of a lot or parcel where said property line separates the lot or parcel from a street. Same as "Street Line."
Structural Alterations means any change in the supporting members of a building such as foundations, bearing walls, column beams, floor or roof joists, girders or rafters, or changes to enclose additional space.
Structure means anything constructed or erected which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having a location on the ground. "Structure" shall include any kind of building, porch, pier, column, porch post, sign, billboard, immobilized trailer coach, or other building obstruction.
Subdivider means any person, firm, corporation, partnership or association which causes real property to be subdivided.
Subdivision means any act which causes real property to be divided into separate ownership pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and City ordinances.
Subdivision Map Act means the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, Title 7, Division 2, of the California Government Code commencing with Section 66410 thereof.
Substantial Construction means completion of a minimum of ten percent of the total amount of construction authorized by the permit based on the monetary value of construction costs including grading, site preparation and construction but specifically excluding all costs associated with the acquisition of interest in the project site and all costs associated with the preparation and processing of permits or plans.
Substantial Slope means a slope exceeding 25 percent with a vertical rise of 20 feet or more.
Studio means a dwelling unit that combines kitchen, living, and sleeping rooms into one room; same as a bachelor or efficiency unit.
Supportive Housing means housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to an onsite or offsite service that assists the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.
(Ord. No. 541; Ord. No. 641; Ord. No. 893; Ord. No. 900; Ord. No. 932 , § 7, 10-2-2017)